About TKF

About TKF

The Keune Foundation was founded in 1995, with the aim of providing financial and emotional support to Australian families who have a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.


In addition to various fundraising events, 10c from every tube of Keune professional colour sold in Australia is directly donated to the foundation. 100% of money raised is given to families in need.

Getting Support

Applying for financial support from TKF is a simple & confidential process. Download the forms or contact us for more support.

Lloyd Yeoh raises $50K

Celebrating his 60th birthday, Lloyd embarked on a 24hr hairathon & single handily raised the largest ever donation to TKF!


To celebrate his 40th birthday, Daniel Yap from Tao of Hair, Perth is raising money for TKF by colouring 100 incredible hair rainbows in a 24hour non-stop hair-a-thon. Support the cause by signing up to get a rainbow or donate here! 
Because of you, we can give


It is with our deepest gratitude that we extend a thank you to all who helped achieve some incredible milestones for The Keune Foundation.
Single Largest Donation
$ Gifted to Families
Raised at TKF Ball '23
Families Supported


Make A Donation
Make A Donation
The Keune Foundation is a registered charity; therefore, all donations are tax deductible. We also accept monetary or auction items from corporate sponsors.
Visit a Keune Professional Hair Salon
Visit a Keune Professional Hair Salon
Have a professional colour service and 10c from every colour tube used is donated to TKF. Find your local Keune salon at
Spread the Word
Spread the Word
Share the love and let your family, peers, and clients know about this worthwhile cause and how they can help. Alone we can do so little, together we can do so lot.
Community Fundraising
Community Fundraising
Participate in local community fundraising events and name TKF as your charity choice. Contact us on how we can help you organizs your fundraising event.
Our Salons Making a Difference


Rainbow 100 x Daniel Yap

Celebrating 40 with Rainbows He’s a dedicated Keune family member & a Keune Global Color Ambassador, the rainbow master - Daniel Yap from Tao of Hair! Celebrating his 40th birthday in a truly unique way, all of this was done with the motive to raise funds for The Keune Foundation and raised over $38,000! Thank [...]

Lloyd’s 60th Birthday Bash

24hr Hair-a-thon Celebrating his 60th birthday, Lloyd embarked on a 24hr hair-a-thon & single handily raised the largest ever donation for TKF - $50,000! An industry professional who proved age is just a number by choosing to complete a 24-hour hair-a-thon to celebrate his 60th birthday. Mr Yeoh had two goals for the challenge: to [...]

Injecting for a Cause

Tox Aesthetics Since the inception of her business, Libby has donated $5 from every injectable service undertaken. The goal is to support local charities based in the area. Libby struggled to find a charity that donates all proceeds and doesn’t charge any admin fees. Recently Libby discovered The Keune Foundation and helped fundraise almost $8,000 [...]

Brand Partners

Through our partner brands and their clients, together they make The Keune Foundation possible.
Thank you!